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What Would Happen if the World Understood Death?

February 7, 2021


There’s a lot of death in the world, not just physical death. People die, but ideas can die too. Wisdom is undergoing a battle along with knowledge, patience, tolerance, and other positive ideals. These can all experience death.

But what if everyone understood death?

What if Everyone Understood There Is a Life Beyond Death?

Most people do. Their religions tell them how they will rise into a new world after passing their physical form into the dirt. Yet, those same people fear death.

When you talk to them, they’ll say they believe in Heaven or some sort of afterlife, yet they fear death, the beyond, and what they can’t comprehend with their physical form, because they don’t practice the spiritual connections with consciousness. They have no confirmation of life beyond death, so they live life as though it’s their only one.

We don’t live just one life. We live many lives in this world and many lives in other worlds. Our bodies may die as they age, but our consciousness continues to move forward through the universe. Sometimes they stay behind on this plane, what one might call an Earthbound spirit. Most of the time, we move into another realm, what many may call Heaven.

After a time in that realm, we come back to this one for whatever reason our consciousness has for returning, usually to further our conscious growth.

The Cycle of Death and Rebirth Repeats Itself Over and Over.

If the world understood this, we’d act more accordingly to what would happen in the future. Many argue global warming or climate change don’t exist, using reasons like localized weather to combat a global scientific fact. Many don’t believe we should move to cleaner energy because they fear job loss. Some things regarding our future are so politicized that it’s not even a matter of belief or fear, it’s a matter of which political group you identify with.

Imagine if Everyone Understood the Future They Create Now Is the Future They’ll Reap.

Whether it’s climate change, clean energy, foreign relations, or the simple act of loving one another with peace and tolerance for our differences, imagine if everyone sat down and thought, “How does this affect my future in this world?” Not the future of their present self or their children. How does it affect the future I’ll be reborn into?

I suspect most people would raise to a more loving, tolerant viewpoint, fight local and global crises, and make the world a better place for everyone. They wouldn’t fear death their entire lives either. Death would be embraced and celebrated.

It should.

We’re being reborn into a new world, a new life, and continuing our spiritual journey.

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Are The Greys Real? An Extraterrestrial Encounter.

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