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Sally, a Juniper Gnome

May 4, 2023


Sally is a Juniper Gnome I met two years ago. She is in my book, The Raven’s Way. After giving each of the gnomes amethyst and quartz crystals, dropping them in a pile where the males fought over who got which crystals, Sally pulled me aside and asked for the green crystals.

I asked “Why?”

She said, “To make the boys jealous.”

So we went back to the car, and I gave her several green crystals. I think they all loved it. I never heard any complaints. And a week later I danced with them, shared stories, and met many more friends.

Here is her message as of today. Ignore the tears in the image. She is doing “puppy dog eyes” to try and get things from me. LOL

“I would like to say, thank you for being our friend and returning. We knew you would, but did not know when. The magister (Redondo) said you would be coming soon. We grew extremely excited as few recognize we are here among the branches of the trees making faces at those who pass by and throwing rocks when they do mean things. We are hidden in plain sight all around you. Our desert is filled with love if humans just knew where to look. All you have to do is be willing to look. To accept magic into your heart as a child would look with wonder at a butterfly landing on a flower. It’s not the vibration that allows you to see us. It’s the magic in your heart and soul. The willingness to belief. [sent image of Tinkerbell and idea if you don’t believe she fades from existence] Yes, like this image of Tinkerbell you are sending me. But we do not have pixie dust. We are pixies. But not with wings. We are more like these images of gnomes and that is why we had you call us Juniper Gnomes. There are few of the pixie kind among us and they tend to be trickier than us. We are not tricky. We either like you or we don’t. Those who show us love are loved by us. Those who show us nothing are ignored by us unless they show the land harm. Then we take matters into our own hands, not to be mean. We want them to recognize our home and their actions. So we do things to make them wonder how those things happen. They lose trinkets. They get stuck in their tents with zippers unwilling to move. Food turns bad fast and often we find the birds to take it away. We don’t do it to be mean unless they are mean to us. We want to be acknowledged so we may “dance and party” all night long. We toil all day in the sunlight to maintain the health and well-being of the trees we live in and the sprites we watch over. Nighttime is a party. Wouldn’t it be magical if all humans were invited to the party when they visited our land. We could sing, dance, and tell stories. Learn of each other. And share food and tea. We could have fun. I can make puppy eyes and persuade them to give me things that are shiny and fun. And I could give them things that are shiny and fun. If the humans acknowledged the magic in the world they would see far more than the sprawling desert, deep canyons, and clear skies they stare at when they visit our home. They would see us staring back at them, making faces, laughing, singing, dancing, and having fun… only a few feet away. I love you all and hope one day you will share a stone with a gnome. Good day to you, the world of the unseen [internet]. May you experience blessings, love, and beauty of the rainbows. [bows and curtsies]” – Sally

Learn more about The Raven’s Way or Spirit Art Readings

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Marduke a Vritigian from Alpha Centauri Epsilon

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