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Balacore, a Blue Avian

November 17, 2023


Blue avians are a race of giant bluish birds. They are extremely popular in the ET community, but they are only one of many avian races. Just the most well-known for a variety of reasons, including beings like Thoth from Egyptian lore being a blue avian. I first ran into them while falling asleep. One invaded my mind-space and said they would be coming, long before I knew anything about them. I told a friend, and she was like, “Oh, yeah. Those are avians like Thoth.”

Sure enough… they showed up a month or so later. It’s not uncommon for one to energetically pop in and walk around my home. Especially when someone is spiritually bonded to avians. They are quite beautiful beings, physically and spiritually. Balacore is the first I’ve worked with for a channeled message.

“Call me Balacore. I am a blue avian from a higher dimension of 11 levels. I am able to communicate far and wide. I am able to communicate with many humans at once. Many would consider me a god, but I am not a god. I am simply a being living on another planet, helping those in need. There are many of us here to help. Bringing the blue energies of our world into yours. Bring energies of our world into yours to help you. But the choice is yours. The choice to do what you need to do is yours. Do you want to experience a world of ease? Or do you want to experience a world of dis-ease? We can help you from afar. We can portal in. We can astral travel. We can be there when the veil is clear. But in order to help you and others, we need you to raise your vibration continuously with effort. To do so in a way that allows us to see you glow. So that we can see your efforts and understand that you are ready to witness us. To understand you are ready to work with the bird people from the stars. Raise your vibration. Experience ease. And you will see. That is all.”

Balacore gave these details:
Star: Andromedon B within the Milky Way

“We live on many planets in that solar system and within the galaxy. Ours is a wild world. A world free of technology with us above the clouds. Like the Nox of your StarGate imagery. Ships and technology floating in the skies to allow the world to thrive below. Many are coming to your world from mine and others. Many to help. And many to share these technologies.”

While talking, his mental description reminded me of the Nox race from StarGate. *spoiler, but it’s from the 90s* If you have not seen the show, they are a race that is very nature oriented and underestimated because they look primitive. In the end, humans learn this seemingly primitive race has built highly advanced cities floating in the skies. Those cities leave the ground untouched. A common theme with non-human ET cities seems to be raising the structures into the clouds, whether through technology like levitation or strong pillars/columns that disrupt nature at a minimum. And others, like Garute, an elephant humanoid, use nature to build their buildings in harmony, a story for another day.

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Are Octopuses From Space? An Intuitive Encounter with Cephalopods.

November 13, 2020


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