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Golden spiritual light

Have You Seen the World of Golden Light?

January 31, 2022


There exists a world, a world of pure energy, of golden light, right beside us. It’s a world filled with life. Beings walk the streets. They sit on park benches. They talk, laugh, and enjoy life.

It’s a world we all can access.

You might find yourself pulled there during a meditation. You might only see a light being standing in front of you. Flowing gold energy creates their form. Balls of white light flow along that energy as it moves around their being.

Others may be in the distance. Balls of white light moving here and there against a black background as you try to focus.

The first meeting may be difficult. You may find yourself struggling to see who is in front of you. Their words reach into your head, advice, stories, urges to focus and clear your mind.

You leave your meditation. A pinch, strain, or some other tight feeling vibrates your third eye. After some time, the stress on your skin disappears.

Where were you?

A couple of days later, you find yourself in front of the same being, a being made of golden light. Your focus clears. A pathway appears under your feet. You find this being sitting on a bench made of beautiful light. They talk to you about your work, your life. As they speak telepathically, never opening a physical mouth, you look around.

The world of light greets you. It welcomes you to perceive it fully with no effort. A vast city, towers of immense size, rise in the distance. Energy of light moves around you everywhere. Everything is beautiful.

When you look towards your friend sitting on the bench, you see them in a suit and tie, wrapping around their energetic form. They tell you it helps your mind perceive the world. When you look at your own legs, you’re wearing the same clothes you have on as you meditate.

Other beings of light pass by. They walk the sidewalks towards the golden city. It bustles with life, energetic life. Many acknowledge you with a nod, a wave, a telepathic hello.

Golden city of LA

It’s real. The city exists.

The beings exist.

If you’ve experienced something similar. Don’t doubt the experience. Trust it. Hear the words of those light beings trying to communicate with you. They’ll teach you, guide you, and help you on your journey in this physical world.

They may even visit you here. You might turn a corner one night and find yourself looking at three or four beings made entirely of golden light with a humanoid form. We can travel there as our astral selves. They have the means to come to our world through consciousness and the energetic technologies of their world.

A vast city of light exists. Probably many spanning their world, their dimensional space. It exists right beside us. Beautiful, loving beings fill that world. They want to help. They will help.

If you accept it.

Awaken your intuition. Don’t deny experiences as fictions, dreams, creative imaginings when your soul knows it’s so much more. Believe in the magic and more magic will come.

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Meeting the Wolf Man, an Intuitive Experience

September 25, 2020


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Hands embracing

What Does Tolerance Mean? Tolerance.

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Purple galaxy in the universe

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