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Are The Greys Real? An Extraterrestrial Encounter.

November 11, 2020


Zetas, commonly referred to as Greys (or Grays, depending on how you prefer to spell it), are the most popularized form of extraterrestrial life forms. When asked, most people will give you a description of aliens with enormous heads, short bodies, big oval eyes and grey skin.

Are They Extraterrestrial?

I’m not entirely sure. There’s an argument to be made that they are something else, something more multi-dimensional.

They set me on my path towards writing. During my childhood, they visited and took me on ships. Those experiences would be passed off as dreams, but they weren’t. You can read more about them in the third book of The Awakening series.

Regardless of their nature, they exist, and their existence is independent of human belief. They’ve been depicted in cave art, Renaissance paintings, and often confused with Fae in books written before the world understood space travel.

They Are Very Real.

I’ve had multiple experiences with them; dreams, meditations, and physical encounters.

This is one of those stories.

Earlier in 2020, before I understood what was happening to my intuitive nature, I sat in my recliner watching television. My cats slept in their usual positions. One on the other recliner, one on my recliner, and one on the couch with its back to two large, sliding doors leading onto a balcony. The curtains hung from the rod, laying perfectly still against the windows.

Crush, the cat on the couch, slept on the arm rest with her head facing me.

From the corner of my eye, a hand pushes through the right curtain, opening it enough to peer inside the room. My head bolts to the side as a surge of fear rises from the core of my body. Crush instantly wakes up, turns, and stares into the void between the curtains.

Something stands there. Something pushed through the window, through the curtains, and looked into the room. As quickly as it came, it hurried back onto the porch. I jumped up, ran to the door, and checked the porch.

There Was Nothing There.

Crush hates everyone. She acted like someone just entered her territory, turned to the curtains where the being pushed through, and stood guard. My fear took control of me as I paced the room, wondering what just happened.

I wasn’t unfamiliar with visitations from invisible beings, especially Fae, but this was different.

When it peeked in, I felt fear from the being and sensed an urge to leave because I was awake… when I was supposed to be sleeping. As I walked around waiting for something to appear on the balcony, I heard footsteps in the hallway of our apartment building. I went to the door and opened it. Several beings ran up and down the hallways, going from one apartment to the next on the floor above me.

The Problem?

Most would think the pitter-patter was that of small children running and playing. The majority of residents are older and their children have left the nest long ago.

It was three o’clock in the morning.

After several weeks, I’d finally understand what happened as the memories from childhood returned. I’d understand what peeked through the window, expecting me to be asleep. Not only would I understand, I’d come to realize they aren’t to be feared. When I did, they’d come more often in my dreams, my meditations, daily telepathic messages, and physical encounters.

This was just the first of many experiences in 2020 as my conscious awareness exploded to life, and I recovered memories long lost or misunderstood.

Read more about my experiences with Zetas in Experiences with Extraterrestrials, Sasquatches, Interdimensionals and Other Beings.

Check Out Communion, Too.

Shortly after my experience with them in my apartment, I went on a search to find others with similar stories. The universe guided me straight to Communion which helped me understand much of my Zeta experience.  Whitley Strieber wrote Communion about his experiences.

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Marduke a Vritigian from Alpha Centauri Epsilon

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I’m Back at It!

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