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Are Animals Conscious?

July 30, 2022


Dream inception, telepathy, astral travel, animals are awake.

Molly, a Dog in Dream

Molly was a yellow lab who came to a point in her life where it was best to put her down. I was not aware. In college, I dreamt of her in a yard. She ran up with a frisbee. She said it was time for her to go, so we played all night in another world. A few days later, my mom called with the news. Molly went to the farm, crossed the rainbow bridge, passed into oblivion. My response, “I know. She came and told me.”

Telepathic Snakes

Snakes are highly conscious. I’ve encountered them saying, “Watch your step?” before passing them on a trail, in one instance, almost stepping on one while looking the other way. Another warned me to stay away. We agreed he would stay on his side of the trail and I would stay on my side where I camped. He did. I did.

Snakes in Dreams

Heimdall, a ball python, comes into my dreams when he needs something. If his tank is too hot on the surface, too humid, too cool, he comes and tells me. It’s astonishing how connected he is to the dream world. Every time, I find something wrong. A gauge pushed by a cat. A cord unplugged. And other things. He tells me in dream.

Cats Are Highly Conscious

My cats are telepathic. I hear them shout at each other. Call each other names. And beat on one another. They are quite lovely, but cats be cats. ETs have telepathically put them to sleep after being hit by them upon entry into the house. Interdimensionals have scolded them, receiving angsty telepathic words in return. Cats are highly conscious… but the most magical part of cats…

Astral Cats

Cats meditate. When I travel astrally I need to lay on the ground or sit in a chair and close my eyes. If Shiloh notices, she runs over and crawls into my armpit, curls up, closes her eyes, and poof! She appears with me wherever I’m at. It became so consistent that others in the realms I visit would ask, “Where is Shiloh?” if she didn’t come with me.

Dogs See Others

I once encountered a djinn, a middle eastern being, in my parent’s home while watching Maggie, a Rottweiler. I walked around the home astrally while asleep, talking to them while my body lay on the couch. When I woke, Maggie was upstairs acting weird. I went up. The djinn sat in a chair communicating with her, acknowledged me, and disappeared in a mist after using Maggie to confirm they were real.

Most Animals Are Conscious

Most animals are far more conscious than humans. Humans often refuse to acknowledge it. So the next time you’re around an animal and hear a voice in your head, ask yourself, “Did the animal just communicate with me?” You may find out that it is.

And if it’s a cat, it’s demanding food. Make sure you answer, otherwise that cat might become your death.

Show Some Love, Get Some Love

Spirit art, readings, and other services available on my website. Services are donation based.


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