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Zeta Reticulan Activation

November 17, 2023


This is an activation you can use to contact those beings living around Zeta Reticulan. They are often described as the short gray beings. Not to be confused with the race of less benevolent Grays. Zeta’s are highly technological. They fly in many of the discs people see. And were part of the Roswell event. There’s also a famous UFO story about Barnie and Betty Hill where I believe they describe the ETs as being Zetas.

“We are a group of beings who have evolved for millions of years, far longer than your race. We have been studying your race for a very long time, far longer than any of you can imagine. We have assisted in DNA and evolutionary jumps for your collective. We have been doing this for many thousands of years. There is nothing to fear from those of us who are of benevolent intention. Some of the stories you have heard are true. But those who are of a malicious nature are few and far between. And we catch them and we make them suffer the consequences of their karma in a simulation. They are dealt with in a safe way, so they can learn their lessons. The majority of you have nothing to fear. Your experiences are not malevolent. You are frozen in place so that no harm comes to you or to us while we perform upgrades to your DNA structure. Specifically, the strands of DNA that will help you survive the ascension. We have been collecting samples from your world from animal species, plants, and others to propagate on other worlds. We have collected samples over the years from you as individuals to propagate on other worlds. So that other worlds without any evolved species can grow and thrive with conscious life and be studied by those who wish to study. We are seeders. Like a gardener who plants fields and allows his work to grow. Taking care of it. Letting it thrive. And protecting what he can. We do this with other worlds because they are our gardens. This is what we do. We do many other things. But this is our message to you in this activation, so that you can understand some of the experiences you have had. There are many ships. Many ways of travel. We come with our technology. We shift through portals. We use bubbles of energy. We connect through thought. And we even take those who are full of shock and awe to our world from time to time through energetic means. We are the beings of zeta reticuli. Of which there are many different beings. All working together. To help those on your world. We will be revealing ourselves to you individually as you are awakened, prepared, and ready to integrate our existence into your reality. Trust us by building trust. We will not do things to put you into a state of fear as contact begins. Small steps will be taken. Trust exercises will be offered. It is your choice whether or not you accept our integration into your reality. Many will choose to accept us from their heart. And many will not. The choice is yours. Your friends and family from the stars. That is all.”

The artwork tells a story. The top shows their ships. The ways they travel. Three ships. Portal. Bubble energy. Thought. And what they describe as energetic means which gave me the thought of astral travel and teleportation.

There is a ship taking a cow. This was simply a matter of fact event to show that they have been studying animals and us for a long time. However, they took much delight and humor in the idea of drawing them taking a cow due to the dark comedy I/we have around it. The blue light language I believe says Zetas.

The pink Zeta gave an equation. I have no idea what it means. Maybe one day we’ll know. I hear that it is for creating a coordinate. Likely a star map location activation for some.

The eyes and star at the bottom left were a message to look to the stars at night.

In the middle, there is a purple Zeta saying they are from Zeta Secondary. They don’t seem to give me planet names. Zetas give me the system and planet/orbit number. The code they gave me is the same.

The largest Zeta is a Zeta Prime, from the first planet. They come from the first planet in the system. They are the tall, extremely large headed ones. Very scientific. And extremely intimidating/scary energy when you have not met them before or do not understand them. They are the one who spoke.

The ribbon to the bottom right is meant to represent DNA. Strands that they have twisted and wound and worked on. The codes, colors, and even the images of their planet and selves, are all energy activations for those of you reading this. To use the activation, when you feel ready and guided, sit down under the stars and meditate. Look at the image before you meditate. Remember to protect yourself and call in only the benevolent beings as I teach in my courses and social media. And they may come or present in a variety of ways. Do not have expectations. And be willing to be patient.

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