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Sloth Lemur Surprise!!!

July 11, 2022


What do you do when an interdimensional sloth lemur jumps from a tree and says, “You can see me??!?!?”

They Live in the Trees

When I lived in Eastern, PA, I walked through the city neighborhood at night. I always suspected things, many things, lived in the trees. I could feel them. All the eyes. Staring. Judging. Contemplating stealing my soul… well not the soul part. But maybe they were…

Then I felt them in other parts of the neighborhood, but only in specific trees. Very conscious trees. So I pinged in. Images of monkey-like beings I can only describe as sloth lemurs filled the tree, eating fruit, hanging, going about sloth lemur things… whatever that is.

One night, I went for my regular walk. They were in the tree hooting and hollering at one another in another dimensional space. So I looked up, telepathically pinged, and waved.


One dropped from the treetops, landing on all fours. He walked using his arms and legs. Raising an arm to point, he said, “You can see me?!?!”

We talked briefly. Then he excitedly went back to his tree.

He told me those trees were stronger than others, bridging connections between worlds. Most trees do, but these trees were extra powerful, letting the sloth lemurs come and go. They just stay in the trees because humans don’t pay attention.

What’s In Your Trees?

Trees are conscious bridges to many other worlds. Remember that the next time you pass one by. Maybe a sloth lemur is up there, eating an otherworldy fruit speckled with polkadots and making faces as you walk past. If you feel something, say hello. It might say hi back.

Read about more experiences in my book Experiences with Extraterrestrials, Sasquatch, Interdimensionals, and Others

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Time Differs From Place to Place, an Intuitive Experience

February 28, 2021


Time is not what we think. It’s a perception of our three-dimensional world as we make our way through these lives bound to physical bodies. We watch clocks at our day jobs, waiting for the weekend to come. When the weekend comes, it speeds by faster than we can believe.

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How Telepathy Changes the World

July 11, 2022


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Welcome to Crab World

July 11, 2022


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