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9 Ways to Raise Your Vibe

July 28, 2022


To Communicate With ETs, Sasquatch, Fae, and Others.

Break Your Chains

Understand that reality is not what you’ve been told. You’ve been lied to. Ask yourself, “What do YOU know?” and keep an open mind. What do you know that hasn’t been told to you by parents, teachers, religions, governments, books, movies, or other? You only know your experience. That’s it.

Give Love

Give the world love. Save spiders. Help animals in need. Heal plants. Help humans. Give the world love to receive love and a higher state of vibration.

Healthy Eating

Purge yourself of unhealthy eating habits. Avoid processed food and fast food. Eat more foods that grow directly in sunlight. Add more plant-based meals to your diet. Eat fruits and vegetables. Lower or completely eliminate meat-based meals if you can. Cook your own meals and know where your food comes from.

Meditate Daily

Start with a focus meditation. Then move on to guided meditations and unguided. Read and learn to enhance your meditative skills to the point that your life is a meditation. Meditation is not just sitting with your eyes closed. It’s eating, reading, walking, sleeping, writing. Everything is meditation when done right.

Create to Experience

Create to put love into the world. Create to understand yourself. Create to heal wounds. Create to connect with your imagination, a real sense that is not a creative fiction. Creativity connects you to other senses you didn’t know exist.

Understand Yourself

Understand your fear, your hate, your jealousy, all those things you keep locked away in the closet of your mind, skeletons waiting to be discovered. Understand them. Understand why you did horrible things. Heal those wounds and forgive yourself.

Know What You Consume

Filter your consumption to ensure you are consuming only positive, high-vibrational content. If the content promotes fear, anger, hate, division, lust, jealousy, greed, or other negative emotions, it should be removed from your diet. Movies, television, books, news, and other sources thrive on low vibe reactions that keep you down.

Ask and You Shall Receive

Ask your guides, your spiritual team, for help. Ask them to bring you teachers, books, media, and other tools to help you raise your vibe. There are hundreds, if not thousands, of ways to raise your vibe, but it starts with you asking and accepting help. Then you can ask for them to bring you contact. When you’re ready, they will.

Eliminate Fear

Most of all, eliminate any and all fear surrounding the idea of contact with non-human entities. The less you fear, the more they’ll show.

You can read more about raising your vibe in “Unleash Your Spirit” available on my website.

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